Michelangelo and the Bow Drill

The Bow truly is the innovation that subdued our species. Transformed us from wild wonderers to social builders. The Bow pre-dates agriculture, and is more significant than the development of the written word. Could our societies exist today without the invention of the Bow?

Did Michelangelo understand the power of this tool to bend this world to his vision? To shape history as David shaped the Hebrew nation?

Within an afterthought, the briefest of prose, he writes:

Davicte cholla Fromba e io collarcho, Michelagniolo
David with his sling, I with the bow, Michelangelo

Michelangelo David with his sling and I with the bow

David with his sling, I with the bow….  With this simple tool, Michelangelo transformed metamorphic rock Epochs old, into a cultural statement that defined his time and continues today to reflect our humanity… Within David’s eyes is revealed the strength, the confidence that we all have to chose our own path.

Michelagelo David

Michelangelo had a personal connection to the Bow. Specifically, the Bow Drill, a tool that he used with such precision as to render completely natural the flowing contours of fabric and locks of curly hair.

It amazes me how such a powerful tool has gone virtually unchanged for close to 10,000 years

The bow drill was developed several millennia after the hunting bow. From our stone age ancestors who developed the wooden doweled drill to master fire.

The Neolithic Mehrgarh peoples of what is now central Pakistan redefined the traditional Bow and Arrow, to a method of fire starting, an idea that spread west to Ancient Egypt circa 3000 BCE where the first clear evidence of the drill was in use for carpentry. Out of Africa this novel tool moved east through china, finding its way across continents and influencing the Thule peoples circa 1000 BCE; now the Inuit peoples of Northern Canada.

The Romans wrote at the turning of the common era, of how sculptors would imbed diamonds into steel to better the grinding affect.

Venetians of the 14th century would develop this age old tool into an industry to aid in the carving of glass.

Then into the hands of Michelangelo to create the spark of divine in David’s stare.

Michelangelo Bow Drill

Technology found in the Bow Drill was virtually unchanged from 7th millennia BCE through to the industrial revolution when further development of Tungsten Carbide, sintered or brazed diamond tools were developed in the early 20th century.

Modern tools make lighter work and faster production… but unfortunately our world has lost patients for invested time…. Subtle expression and detailed finished work takes time, time is money.

The devil is in the details

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